A Solo Backpackers’ Travel Guide to Palawan (Coron, El Nido, Balabac, Puerto Princesa City)
Every day for 17 days, people asked me, “Why are you traveling alone?” I usually tell them that I can’t find people whom I can travel with for that long because they can’t just leave from their job or the trip might cost a fortune. I responded with those because those were the easiest answers I can give. I did not have to explain a thing because the people who asked me could understand. But deep in my heart, I know that it’s not just it. Though partly true, those were not entirely my reasons. Let me tell you, this is beyond the pictures that you see. It’s more than…
Backpacking Philippines in 12 days with 2Go Travel
There’s no better place to feel infinite but my land – Philippines. I was and I will be forever surprised of the thousandfold of visually arresting scenes that awaits in every corner of this blessed archipelago with each effortlessly making our hearts skip a beat and make reality better than expectations. All I needed to do is step out of the threshold, swing to the fullest and open my eyes and heart to brand new adventures and awaken the ready to go spirit in me! So I did – given the once in a lifetime opportunity spearheaded by 2Go Travel. It was a scorching hot afternoon of May as I…