Sustainable Traveling
Panag-apoy: A Night of Remembering the Dead in Sagada
As the sun started to set, thick, dark smoke began to rise towards the sky just above the cemetery. “Panag-apoy must have started“, we thought to ourselves. We then followed the flow of the crowd silently walking to the Anglican cemetery — some carrying the pine twigs on their shoulders. Sagada people’s culture and traditions are rich making it truly interesting. Among those that fascinated and intrigued me big time is their death and burial practices. This year, we got a chance to witness Panag-apoy, one of the most unique ways of Igorots in remembering the dead. Panag-apoy is a Kankana-ey (Igorots of Sagada’s language) phrase that means “to light…
Decathlon Philippines Steps Up the Game in Saving the Planet
The planet needs saving. Not convincing enough? Here’s what you might not know about. Approximately, it will take 450 years for a plastic to degrade or breakdown. Yearly, 8 million metric tons of these plastics enter the ocean. Imagine this: Titanic weighs about 47,454.834 metric tons. Imagine how many Titanics would those waste amount to? As a result, about 1000 million marine creatures die because they either get entangled to it or they ingest it. Why should we, Filipinos, be bothered? Well, in the past years, Philippines is considered to be among the world’s largest plastic waste contributor with about 14.66 million tons of plastic that it generates each year.…
Must Haves for your Outdoor Adventures
The outdoors holds a lot of adventures and possibilities that may be unknown to us. While it’s indeed a great provider of fascination, it may also surprise us with mishaps. Regardless, we may still turn it all around with good planning and of course, the right stuff in our bags. With that, here’s how you can travel smart through having these must haves for your outdoor adventures! You may also want to read: Packing Hacks and Tips with Traveler’s Bag Raid The Must Haves for your Outdoor Adventures First Aid Kit No matter how careful we are during our trips, there would be these instances when we’d unfortunately get wounded…
Tips for a Fun, Safe and Responsible Camping
Due to the pandemic, a lot of people resorted to spending weekends in wide spaces of the outdoors for their safety. I am honestly one of those. Before, I would love to go on a staycation in between backpacking trips. It’s quite a rest from an extreme adventure. However, the spaces in most hotels and AirBnBs are limited; thus, contact with other people could be more frequent. With that in mind, we would always choose for a night under the stars in our own tents. If you also decide to do so, here are some tips for a fun, safe and responsible camping that you might want to know about!…
Organic Farms in CALABARZON that You Should Know About
As the concrete jungles continue to rise at the metropolis, the people in it would yearn even more for a quick breather outside. Often times, they would flock the naturally fancy and picture-perfect places nearby. While these places get tramped, there are those that remain known to only but a little. There are these places where knowledge is abundant, warm and hospitable people await plus they offer nothing but healthy options like the farms. Who would have thought that these can also be as pretty and even worthy of visiting as most people’s favorite places? The good thing is, there are numbers of them that are located just a few…
Simple Ways to Achieve Sustainable Traveling
As the time goes, the tourism statistics significantly and continuously grow. On one hand, it is good in a way that it contributes to the economic growth of a community and at large. However, the surge of tourists alarmingly leads to the abuse of the natural and cultural environment. Fortunately, there is such a thing as Sustainable Traveling. Here are some things that you need to know about it and the simple ways to achieve it! The Danger in Overtourism When you see a crowd of people in a slice of paradise later turned into a cesspool due to their irresponsible acts, that is an example of Overtourism. Overtourism is…