Simple Ways to Show Love in the Time of Corona
The first quarter of the year has been really tough for everyone in the world and it is indeed changing our way of lives: most businesses are temporarily halted, the streets and roads are mostly cleared, trips have been canceled, classes are suspended and some jobs are done at home for everyone’s safety. Currently, we are facing a health crisis due to Corona virus that has been spreading exponentially causing illness and worst, deaths of a thousands. One of the solutions is the declaration of community and home quarantine to prevent the further spike on the COVID-19 statistics.
Show love for yourself and others
Despite the preventive measures and temporary solutions, fear, stress and anxiety continue to grow as the number of cases significantly increase everyday. Everyone fears to be part of that statistics. Everyone fears to contract the virus without knowing where or how he or she got it. However, remember that panicking does no good. Instead of feeding on stress and worries, why don’t we spread love in the time of Corona? Show love for ourselves and the people around us through our own simple ways? Here’s how!
Love yourself in the time of Corona
There’s a lot of things that you can do to show love for yourself in this quarantine life and one is through achieving a sound mind, body and soul. Take this opportunity to heal and transform yourself and come out as a new being after. Here’s a list of things that you can actually do to show love for yourself by nourishing your mind, body and soul:
1. Do indoor work out or exercise
Don’t worry about the equipment. There is a wide range of workout routines out there that don’t need any of these. You can do yoga, Pilates, planks, lunges, sit ups, crunches, pull ups, push ups, burpees, jumping jacks, Zumba and more! If you want a guided work out, there are free mobile applications and videos on YouTube on these.
Work it out!
2. Meditate
Take a moment of silence a day; maybe few minutes to an hour sitting still on the floor or lying flat on your back and comfortably on a mat to meditate. You can do this in the morning when you wake up, during dusk or before you sleep. Stay centered and focused in this time of chaos by engaging yourself into a meditation. You may want to check on the mobile application called Insight Timer for a guided meditation.
3. Read books
Take a book from a shelf or borrow from a friend. Start flipping the pages of the ones that best interest you. You may also try to download an e-library and read books through your gadgets. There are lots of free e-books available online.
Deepak Chopra’s “Seven Spiritual Laws of Success” is a must-read!
4. Discover and create art
Paint. Draw. Dress up. Sing. Write songs or poems. Dance. Take photos. Write a story. Engage into different forms and types of art and find where your heart is in all these.
Grab that musical instrument that has long been seated at the corner and learn how to play it!
5. Eat healthy
Staying healthy during these times is a must and this can also be achieved through being conscious and watchful of your food intake. Drink lots of water and consume more of the ones that can give you energy and boost your immune system. Gear away from junk and instant food.
Eat something that will boost your immune system, too!
6. Learn new skills
Learn how to cook, how to dance, play a musical instrument, edit a photo or a video or maybe try learning a new language.
Take photos. Grab that camera and explore angles! Let’s start with the snapshots.
7. Get enough sleep
Getting enough sleep is an underrated blessing. Take time to rest your mind and body by getting a good sleep especially if you have the chance. Binge watching a new series from Netflix during this time might be a good idea but once everything is finally back to normal (hopefully), you might be praying for the weekends to come again just to get long hours of slumber.
8.Social Media Detox
We might be getting in touch with other people that we are truly missing during the quarantine through social media but spending too much time scrolling through feed can actually cause anxiety. Take some time off or limit your use of social media in a day. Engage into other activities above-mentioned instead.
Love your family in the time of Corona
The old and the young ones are the ones who are most likely to be greatly affected by the virus. Protect them by protecting yourself
A lot of us may be spending the quarantine period with our families. Show your love for them by not going anywhere and staying at home if you can. It is possible that we unknowingly contract the virus somewhere if we go outside and unintentionally spread it at home. If going out is necessary, follow the precautionary measures to avoid contracting the virus. Keeping yourself safe means keeping your family safe, too.
Do something worthwhile in your stay with them. Play with the kids if there’s any. Cook for or with them. Do a general cleaning. Watch your favorite movies together.
Growing your own little garden
Photo by Ma’am Lani Diesta of L & J Country Estate
Apart from these, you may also try to plant with your family especially if you have a lot or space where you can do this. Learn from the elders how to do it for they surely know something about it. Teach the kids the importance of growing their own food. More than an activity where you can bond, you may also source good food from it since you need not to consume much of the instant and dry goods. Let your own little farm help you survive in the time of crisis.
If you want to know more about growing your own food, you may want to learn about Organic Farming with L & J Country Estate after the Community Quarantine.
Photo by Ma’am Lani Diesta of L & J Country Estate
No lot, no problem! Here’s an idea on how you can still plant.
Photo by Ma’am Lani Diesta of L & J Country Estate
Love your community and the country in the time of Corona
1. Do not hoard
The moment that the news about community quarantine and the mandates about staying at home were announced, a lot started panic buying and hoarding dry goods, bottles of alcohol and sanitizers. If you did or if your are thinking of doing so, bear in mind that you are causing other people’s hunger and getting others exposed to the virus; therefore, getting yourself prone to it even more. Getting just enough for yourself and your family and thinking about others getting something enough for their selves too is a gesture of compassion.
2. Share (especially if you can)
Privilege check: If you wake up in a comfortable bed, with a lot of good food on the table and with a roof over your head (and a couple of bucks in your bank account), then you are blessed. You can share your blessings even when at home through donating. Imagine just being at home but being able to contribute to the alleviation of other people’s plights during this time of global emergency? Just make sure that you are donating to the right agency. Believe it or not, there are still people who are looking into this situation as an opportunity to milk money from others.
Support Ambagan Kabataan’s advocacy by donating. Read more about this organization here.
You may want to extend a helping hand through donating. Here’s a screenshot of the details from the official Facebook page of ABS-CBN Lingkod Kapamilya
3. Refrain from sharing fake and unverified news
News and information about the current situation is quite crucial. Make it a habit to always check the credibility of the source before clicking share. Sharing fake news can cause more fear and anxiety to most people. Follow Department of Health for updates or download the Telegram mobile application and follow the thread PH Coronavirus Updates for the official announcements and updates.
I’m pretty sure your friends out there can wait til its finally safe to hang out!
4. Practice Social Distancing
Quarantines are not made for us to go out and party with friends and families just because we have all the time to do so. Practice social distancing every time and every where to avoid the spreading of the virus. Avoid hugging, hand shaking and kissing for a while.
5. Practice good hygiene habits
Always wash and sanitize your hands. Cough or sneeze at the back of your elbows or on a tissue and dispose it properly. Wear mask. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Take a bath everyday especially when you went out. Put the soiled clothes to the laundry and wash them right away.
6. Think about voting wisely on the next election
This crisis has exposed and said a lot about what people can do and has done especially the ones in the position. Please always remember how this situation has been dealt by the local and national government until the next election and do your country and the next generations a favor, choose the right people to lead.
These are just some of the simple ways to show your love and also save yourself and the people around you. Which of these things have you been doing already? If none, try doing some and make your quarantine life worthwhile. Also, wake up grateful every morning that you are safe and alive. Continue spreading love in the time of Corona.
Stay safe. This too shall pass.